Saturday, April 28, 2012


christine, I was working on the cad file again and the units are feet, not inches.   Please change units to inches.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

site sketching

I continued to work in plan and felt that I had hit a plateau so I began to sketch in section.   Here are two ideas that I have been thinking about.   One with an area for a bus stop shelter and another with plantings along the street with a display "pedestal" to separate the patio from the garden.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Had printing problems at school. No sheets were laid out and lineweights were not printing. We can discuss tomorrow.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Site sketching

This is what I have been thinking about for site.   I am thinking that there since the buildings are responding to the edges and there is a kind of pushing and pulling down the middle, I am going to continue to focus on the the center swath.   Also, I wanted to take into consideration the potential overhead planes, so the first sketch is taking a look at potential overhead canopies/lattice/louvers.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Plan Iteration 6c

These plans were developed collaboratively through discussion and back and forth plan development. They simply a more precise expression of the 6th iteration of our design plan. PDFs and AI files have been uploaded to the dropbox.

Friday, April 6, 2012

AI Files 

The ai file for our presentation board is uploaded to drop box, along with one for the outline of our presentation. Not all of it is filled in. My sections are, but please feel free to update anything I've missed. I've left the diagrams that you worked on blank so that you can fill in what you want for those. Send it back when you're done with it and I'll go over it one more time before we send it to Aviva and Dan.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Aquaponics Precedent Diagram

This is a diagram of an aquaponics system that is the main inspiration of the terracing element of our design.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Diagram: Views outward from the site

I played with color for the views but I really didnt like color and gradient


Have been uploaded to the drop box folder:

Carved Styrofoam Model

Here is a series of images of a site model carved from a single piece of Styrofoam. Hopefully this model clarifies the spacial relationships between the terracing elements of the building massing.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Edge Diagram

This is a diagram that I thought would be useful in helping us make a decision in how to address the street edge conditions.   Maybe there is some sort of rhythm or logic to how the buildings address the street.   Right now, I am pulling out of it that the buildings are primarily right against the street with little or no front yard.   The edge is also surprisingly less dense than I previously thought.  

Plan Diagrams

Updated Presentation Boards

So far here are the presentation boards updated from the first iteration.

One more diagram showing the proximity of business and potential educational and institutional organization that can act in partnership with shortly be added. I'm hoping this last diagram will also represent a web that ties the community together with our program at the center acting as a node.

New Diagram: CAD: Development of Open Space

Here's the newest Diagram completed showing the development of our open space from the context of the community.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Concept Statement

To create a community node that will contribute to personal growth through formal instruction and practical application.   The interior function will be easily accessible through the use of terracing and exposing its skeleton.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Precedent - School for the Future

This is a school in Johannesburg, South Africa that has simple components that are exposed.   Also, I like how entry to the program spaces is not through the exterior, rather off a covered "courtyard"

Link to .ai file.

Precedent - Boston Adult Technical Academy

This is a quick precent pertaining to program.   The Academy caters to 19-22 yr olds who basically get a second chance.   One important thing to note is the Academy is a day school, which could interfere with maintaining a job etc while taking classes.   It is not necessarily a visually stimulating building but I think the program that they have is similar in scale and scope to what we are looking to accomplish.

Link to .ai file

Updated Diagram

Updated Bubble Diagram

Link to Download .ai file

Preliminary Diagramming

We began with some basic bubble diagramming to begin to order the spaces and think about placement, adjacencies, security etc.
The drawing above was revised to:

Thursday, March 22, 2012


This blog is to document our collaborative efforts throughout the semester in Spring 2012 Studio